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The Latest Health Study Of 9/11 Survivors And Rescue Workers Is Raising Serious Concerns Among Leading Experts And Politicians Alike

According to the World Trade Center Medical Working Group of New York City’s 2009 Annual Report on 9/11 Health, long-term medical and mental health problems continue to rise in the terrorist attack victims. The report also underscores the urgent need for increased special federal funding for medical services and additional research. [http://home.nyc.gov/html/om/pdf/2009/pr418-09_report.pdf]

“It’s critically important to sickened 9/11 heroes and heroines that they are not forgotten as the majority of them still don’t have the proper health care and struggle with medical insurance companies,” says Steven M. Centore, author of One of Them: A First Responder’s Story.

Mr. Centore, who is a 9/11 first responder, a federal employee and a Navy veteran, details his own battles with medical insurance companies and the federal government in his book—battles that have made his many 9/11-related health problems all the more painful to deal with.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg released the Annual Report on 9/11 Health, which was based on recent medical and environmental research.

“We will do whatever is needed to take care of those who came to our aid after the city’s darkest day,” said Mayor Bloomberg.

Appointed by the mayor two years ago, The World Trade Center Medical Working Group is comprised of health experts in the fields of science, medicine and government. Its aim is to examine and analyze research findings on health impacts caused by the September 11 attack.

“It’s eight years after the attack and 9/11 victims continue to fight for the government’s attention and help,” adds Mr. Centore. “They put their own health, their own lives and the futures of their families on the line when the nation needed them, and they deserve respect for their sacrifices.”

Mr. Centore has appeared at congressional hearings to fight for the rights of the thousands of first responders. In his book he details his own personal account of his experience at Ground Zero on 9/11.

To learn more about how you can help or to buy the nationally acclaimed book One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, visit www.SteveCentore.com or www.wadv-oneofthem.com. The book is also available on Borders.com, Target.com, Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

For more information about One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, contact Steven M. Centore directly at Scentore@yahoo.com.

WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATION OF DISABLED VETERANS, INC. and author Steven M. Centore chose Arbor Books, Inc. (www.ArborBooks.com) to design and promote One of Them: A First Responder’s Story. Arbor Books is an internationally renowned, full-service book design, ghostwriting and marketing firm.

Via EPR Network
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New Yorkers To March On Washington For Fair Share Of Stimulus Money

City Council Candidate Aaron Fraser is angry at the way in which New Yorkers are being treated in the Federal stimulus package. He will express his ire by leading a citizen’s march on Capitol Hill on March 28, 2009. Marchers will ask politicians to consider New York’s contribution to the overall health of this nation’s economy, which is vastly out of proportion to what the state is being allocated in the stimulus package.

According to Fraser, “I am gravely concerned that New Yorkers will not get their fair share of the stimulus package. That share should reflect our tremendous contribution to this nation’s economy as well as to the world. We have taken the chitterlings from Capitol Hill for far too long. We want a side of beef. Before bridges to nowhere are built; before greedy politicians fill their coffers with cash for their pet projects; the people of New York, you and I, should demand our fair share.”

New York is the hub of international trade and commerce. Aside from being the largest regional economy in the United States, it is home to over 160 different languages and the largest stock exchange in the world. It has commercial real estate worth $802.4 billion and is home to the seventeenth largest economy in the world. New Yorkers contribute over a trillion dollars to this nation’s GDP, which equates to a little over 9% of its total. The City’s budget is larger than the budgets of forty of the U.S. States, including the two U.S. protectorates. The top 25 Fortune 500 companies have headquarters here, not counting others on the exchange who rank lower but have primary offices here. New York is home to half of the 32 largest Chinese corporations.

Aaron Fraser, an Independence Party of America candidate, is running for New York’s 36th District City Council seat, which represents the Brooklyn-Bedford Stuyvesant community.

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One of Them: A First Responder’s Story

One of the first responders who helped clear debris and search for bodies at the World Trade Center site is hoping President-elect Barack Obama doesn’t repeat the mistakes made by the Bush administration in handling the care of his fellow volunteers.

Steven Centore, a nuclear physicist and Navy veteran, was one of the many volunteers who assisted in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attack.

Unfortunately, as do many of the other rescue workers, Mr. Centore now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and other medically debilitating ailments that have kept him from working. These conditions have required endless surgeries and physical therapy to treat.

In his book, One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, Mr. Centore details the neglect and mistreatment he and his fellow volunteers have suffered at the hands of the government.

“The Bush administration really fumbled this issue,” says Mr. Centore, a lifelong Republican. “The attacks of that day are still having an effect on this country in the wars we fight overseas. But they’re also having an effect here at home.”

Mr. Centore spent months at the World Trade Center and says that exposure to the toxins in the air at the site have crippled or killed thousands of first responders. His book includes some shocking statistics about the health of first responders, including:

• 4,517 people with upper respiratory ailments
• 3,857 with lower respiratory illness
• 398 with lung disease
• 2,616 with asthma
• 1,340 with sleep apnea
• 2,528 with heart conditions caused or worsened by 9/11

“I was appalled at the lack of support and meager financial resources provided to 9/11 first responders by the US government,” says Mr. Centore, who has testified before Congress about the thousands of people just like him who were told that the air at the WTC site was not dangerous.

He adds, “I wanted to tell the story of how I became ill, what the government did and did not do for me, and what happened to me as a result. I’d like to shed some light on the cover-ups that the government has been perpetrating in the news.”

To learn more about how you can help, or to buy the breakout book One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, visit www.SteveCentore.com or www.wadv-oneofthem.com. The book is also available on Borders.com, Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com.

For more information about One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, contact Steve Centore directly at Scentore@yahoo.com.

WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATION OF DISABLED VETERANS, INC. and author Steven Centore chose Arbor Books, Inc. (www.ArborBooks.com) to design and promote One of Them: A First Responder’s Story. Arbor Books is an internationally renowned, full-service book design, ghostwriting and marketing firm.

(One of Them: A First Responder’s Story by Steven M. Centore; ISBN: 0-9801274-0-8; $16.95; 208 pages; 5½”x 8½”; softcover; Worldwide Association of Disabled Veterans, Inc.)

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As the country’s economic crisis worsens even while the US government pumps billions of dollars into failing banks and industries, another major threat to the nation’s financial stability is going unnoticed

As the country’s economic crisis worsens even while the US government pumps billions of dollars into failing banks and industries, another major threat to the nation’s financial stability is going unnoticed.

A particularly insidious form of pollution called “stray voltage” is impacting the health and agricultural sectors of American life and business, and the financial consequences could be enormous. 

Stray voltage — electrical current that travels through the ground and the infrastructure we all touch every day — has escaped the attention of major media. But its effect on the economy might be just as devastating as errant Wall Street banks, according to one expert.

Russ Allen, author of Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You?, says, “Stray voltage is a massive tax on the American economy because it causes health problems for people and losses in revenue for farms across the country. The cost to the government could be in the billions.”

Mr. Allen also notes, “Because so many Americans are uninsured, and because stray voltage has been shown to exacerbate conditions such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis, the effect on the economy has been massive. The only problem is that no one is noticing.” 

Stray voltage has been deemed dangerous enough in Wisconsin, Michigan and Canada that legislation was introduced in an effort to regulate it. Most of that legislation has not passed and most people don’t know that it likely runs through the pipes of their homes, showers and pools, and that is has killed people, according to Mr. Allen.

In Electrocution of America, Mr. Allen explores the cost of stray voltage to the economy through his own multimillion-dollar lawsuit against Wisconsin Public Service, which he won. 

“I wasn’t the only one affected. This happens all over the place,” says Mr. Allen. 

According to Electrocution of America, stray voltage hurts the economy in the following ways: 

• Increasing hospital visits 
• Loss of work time due to illness
• Fines and lawsuits resulting from stray voltage mishaps
• Decreased production of product on America’s farms

Russ Allen lives outside of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and is a leader in the movement against electrical pollution animals. He won a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against Wisconsin Public Service for the damage they caused because of a poorly designed electrical distribution system.

Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You? can be found on Amazon.com,  BarnesandNoble.com, Borders.com, PriceGrabber.com and Ecampus.com. 

For more information, contact the author directly at allen4568@sbcglobal.net.

GLENMORE BOOKS and author Russ Allen chose Arbor Books (www.ArborBooks.com) to design and promote Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You? Arbor Books is an internationally renowned, full-service book design, ghostwriting and marketing firm. 

(Electrocution of America: Is Your Utility Company Out to Kill You? by Russ Allen; ISBN: 0-9779685-0-2; $22.95; softcover; 5½” x 8½”; 406 pages; GLENMORE BOOKS)

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Dr. Michael W. Cantrell, Sr. the visionary behind The Federal Housing Recovery Plan (FHRP) believes that once enacted, the FHRP will enable the housing industry to recover in less than 24 months from the date of its implementation

Dr. Michael W. Cantrell, Sr. the visionary behind The Federal Housing Recovery Plan (FHRP) believes that once enacted, the FHRP will enable the housing industry to recover in less than 24 months from the date of its implementation. It will allow people who own a primary residential home the opportunity to save their home from foreclosure, ensure that property values will not decline due to the restructuring of loans, and mostly it will protect the everyday citizen and taxpayer from having to foot the bill for a bail-out plan and instead will secure the value of their homes.

The Federal Housing Recovery Plan is designed to bring liquidity to the markets and make at-risk securities more valuable and buyable on the open market; therefore lessening the effect of government involvement. The securities backed by this plan would inevitably yield a 102% increase in face value. Most importantly, it will not drive down the market prices of homes in and around the neighborhoods of people who do not require the assistance of FHRP and they will not be affected by the restructuring of FHRP Mortgages.

A brief example of how FHRP Mortgages will work –

An individual or family owes $150,000.00 to their current lender and property values decline by 20% (on average) reducing the value of their property by roughly $30,000.00, and this individual or family cannot effectively pay their mortgage at the current rate of interest, but also cannot refinance their property due to the declining market values. However, they can afford to pay a portion of the mortgage loan payment every month, but that is not enough for their lender.

The Government, through the
FHRP would buy this mortgage for .62 on the dollar. This, in turn, would free up the liquidity of the banks or investment firms that otherwise would write off this type of loan to zero dollars; thus allowing funds to flow for the institution to lend more money.

The FHRP Mortgage Representative would negotiate the mortgage payment terms with the homeowner(s) to an amount they could afford monthly enabling them to stay in their home. The original mortgage loan would be back figured to a first lien mortgage that was agreed upon-becoming an FHRP Mortgage.

The difference between the old and new loan amounts would be held by an FHRP Mortgage Bond for up to 15 years with no interest due and be recorded as a second lien on the property. This lien would be required to be paid off when the property is sold or refinanced at or prior to the maturity date.

The Federal Housing Recovery Plan enables the family to stay in their home, make affordable monthly payments, and not reduce the mortgage amount thus not reducing the value of other homes in their neighborhood.

The new mortgage at the lower negotiated amount now becomes valuable for servicing because the family is consistently paying their mortgage payments. When people are paying on their mortgages, banks and investment firms would be inclined to buy these FHRP Mortgages because they know they are secure.

Dr. Cantrell believes that in 15 years or less the housing market will rise to the point that their property value would also rise above their first and second mortgage liens. The family’s income will rise during this 15 year period also and will allow their credit to cure so they may be able to refinance the FHRP Mortgage and the government held second lien FHRP Mortgage Bond with traditional institutional banks, mortgage bankers… etc.

The second liens will be securitized by United States Savings Bonds. FHRP Mortgage Bonds will be sold to the general public, not companies, for .75 on the dollar. The Treasurer would determine when the bonds would pay out at 100%.

This is a short version of Dr. Cantrell’s plan to bring this country out of its current turmoil and bring the foreclosure rate down to about 1.5%.

Dr. Cantrell has been working in the mortgage industry for almost 20 years starting out as a mortgage broker in 1989, then working his way through the industry closing loans and selling bundles of quality mortgage loans to investment institutions on the secondary mortgage market. While other lending institutions began offering interest only loans and option arms – his company did not, as they knew this new way of lending with a potential negative amortization would lead to disaster in the long term.

Dr. Wald Carum of Almeda University recently had this to say about Dr. Cantrell’s FHRP: “This Plan demonstrates a breadth and depth of knowledge about its subject that can only come from a true outside the box thinker and experienced businessman. Drawing upon his life experience as well as his training as an MBA, Dr. Cantrell has constructed a workable and simple plan to help America out of its current housing crisis. In this nearly unprecedented time of financial turmoil, Dr. Cantrell recognizes that the essence of the problem and the solution lie within the housing market. As Dr. Cantrell succinictly theorizes, “The Federal Housing Recovery Plan is designed to bring liquidity to the markets and make at-risk securities more valuable and buyable on the open market; therefore lessening the effect of government involvement.” The last phrase is key to avoiding a slide into socialism. Dr. Cantrell’s plan maintains the predominance of capitalism and the free market system while allowing “the family to stay in their home, make affordable monthly payments, and not reduce the mortgage amount thus not reducing the value of other homes in their neighborhood.” Congress would do well to give Dr. Cantrell’s plan a thorough consideration and hearing. It makes more sense than anything I’ve read the past two months. I applaud Dr. Cantrell for his excellent efforts, for which he richly deserves his doctorate degree from Almeda University.” Wald Carum, PhD

Dr. Cantrell states “I look at this FHRP as a way to right a wrong. I have been on both sides of the fence. The banks and investment firms got on the wrong side of the fence and we now have to correct it. I offer my extensive knowledge to bringing this back into the right perspective and am very passionate about helping America out of this crisis.”

America is angry. Especially the 90% of people who are able to make their payments on time and are watching the value of their homes continuing to decline due to foreclosures that are selling for .50 on the dollar. This plan will reduce or eliminate declining home values. It will close the Gaps, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and FHA now in place and will bring confidence to the general public that their housing values will remain stable, and their investments, 401Ks and retirement plans that are tied to the financial market will also recover. This is a true recovery plan.

FHRP Mortgage and FHRP Mortgage Bonds must become a reality – our future depends on it. This plan can start working in as little as 90 days. Contact Dr.Michael W. Cantrell, Sr. mcantrell@fhrpmtg.com or visit the website for a free copy www.fhrpmtg.com for more information on this plan that he hopes will get before the right government officials quickly. For a more detailed example or a copy of frequently asked questions please contact Michael Cantrell or his virtual assistant Marie Tucker of Girl Friday Services of Maine at girlfridayservices08@yahoo.com or visit www.fhrpmtg.com.

Dr. Michael W. Cantrell, Sr. has the experience, knowledge and information on exactly how we can turn the troubled housing market into a booming housing market.

Get the full plan www.fhrpmtg.com or email mcantrell@fhrpmtg.com. 

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Dominic Slingsby, Managing Director of Slingsby, has called for organisations to review their health and safety ahead of the introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007

Slingsby calls for organisations to take precautions against potential health and safety risks in advance of important changes which are due to be introduced into UK law in 2008.

Dominic Slingsby, Managing Director of Slingsby, has urged employers to ensure that they are completely up to date with current health and safety regulations and that increased efforts are made to protect workers prior to the new Corporate Manslaughter Act in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and Corporate Homicide Act as it will be known in Scotland, being put into force.

Dominic Slingsby stated that it is vital, especially in light of the introduction of the new law that; “Organisations take precautions against potential health and safety risks. With only a small amount of time and effort companies can both protect their employees and safeguard the organisation against prosecution”.

From April 2008 the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 will come into force in the UK, and for the first time, companies and organisations can be prosecuted in the event that serious failures in the management of health and safety result in a fatality. If a jury decides that an organisation neglected health and safety requirements for employees, then it is possible that unlimited fines, remedial orders and publicity orders could be imposed.

The new law is being introduced to help combat the current high numbers of deaths and injuries in the workplace, where according to official statistics; every year more than 200 people are killed and over 30 million working days were lost in 2006 alone to occupational ill health and injury accumulating in a total cost of £30 billion.

A spokesperson for Slingsby said, “Addressing health and safety issues and assessing risks is something that cannot be avoided and can save organisations time and money, it can help reduce employee absence and employee turnover rates, while at the same time reducing the risk of litigation. It is important that organisations regularly review their health and safety management systems and that all possible precautions and preventions are put into place to protect their employees from injury or fatality”.

About Slingsby
Formed in 1893 Slingsby, are leading suppliers of industrial and commercial
safety equipment with a range of 35,000 products to assist companies meet health and safety guidelines.

The company consistently strives to improve its manufacturing pedigree through investment in new technology, quality and increased product ranges.

While originally famous for manual handling equipment, the latest catalogue features a range of essential products covering the entire workplace, providing more choice and a credible single source solution for all Slingsby customers. The latest range includes over a three thousand new products, from traditional areas like materials handling through to exciting new janitorial and office equipment products.

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Political Analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson Tells What An Obama Presidency Means for America’s Racial and Social ills

Political Analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson Tells What An Obama Presidency Means for America’s Racial and Social ills

The previously thinkable is possible and that is that Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama could wrest the Democratic presidential nomination and even beyond that the White House. His Iowa showing is proof, says political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson, that he can appeal to a wide segment of centrist white voters. An Obama presidency would be a racial step forward in the sense that it shows that millions of Americans can look past race to make a black, especially an exceptional black, their leader.

Unfortunately, it will not show that millions of Americans are yet willing” says Hutchinson, to do the same for the millions of blacks that cram America’s jails and prisons, suffer housing and job discrimination, are trapped in failing public schools in America’s poor, crime ridden inner cities.

Hutchinson will assess:

*Why Obama’s Iowa showing is a historic first
*What’s next for Obama
*Whether black voters will fully embrace Obama
*Whether he can appeal to wide segments of mid-American voters
*Whether an Obama presidency is an antidote for America’s racial and social ills

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His forthcoming book is The Ethnic Presidency: How Race Decides the Race to the White House (Middle Passage Press, February, 2007).

You could visit his blog at the following web address: earlofarihutchinson.blogspot.com

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Welcome to EPR Government News

EPR Government News is a new blog, part of EPR Network, that is going to be focused on and will be covering the Government news and stories from press releases published on EPR Network.

EPR Network (EPR stands for express press release) is one of the nation’s largest press release distribution networks on Web. The EPR’s nationwide network includes 12 State based PR sites, one major PR forum and a number of industry specific PR blogs and what started as a hobby on Internet years ago turned out to be a rapidly growing business today. EPR Network is also known as one of the most trusted (human optimized, published, edited and monitored, spam/scam/low quality PR content free) PR sites on the web with more than 10,000 company and individual press releases distributed per month. EPR Network is putting your press releases on top of all major search engines’ results and is reaching thousands of individuals, companies, PR specialists, media professionals, bloggers and journalists every day.

EPR Network has thousands of clients around the world including global 500 corporations like Hilton Hotels, Barclays Bank, AXA Insurance, Tesco UK, eBay/Skype, Emirates, just to name a few. The network’s PR web sites are currently reaching from 150,000 to sometimes 500,000 unique visitors per month while our viral reach could possibly go to as much as 1M people per month through our presence across various social media sites. EPR Network was established in 2004 and as of May 2008 it had more than 800,000 press releases (pages) published on its network.

If you have a press release to be distributed, you can do it over here: press release distribution