Category Archives: Issues

Русские эмигранты усиливают призывы «Я хочу, чтобы вы жили» через искусство

Тбилиси, Грузия, 20-Авг-2023 — /EuropaWire/ —  Четыре антивоенных русских эмигранта собрались вместе этим летом, приняв участие в первой в истории резиденции художников «Искусство мира», проводимой при поддержке Campaigns for Humanity), цифровой маркетинговое агентство Renaissance3, благотворительная организация, занимающаяся защитой прав человека. Инициатива облегчает связь между артистами, пострадавшими от конфликта, и предоставляет им платформу для выражения своего несогласия с войной и взаимодействия с принимающими сообществами.

Новаторы «Искусства мира» сочетают технологии и самовыражение, чтобы воплотить антивоенные послания в жизнь.

Передовой проект, известный как «Дорожные знаки», созданный в результате сотрудничества художников, пожелавших остаться анонимными из соображений безопасности своих близких в России, использует дополненную реальность, чтобы катапультировать уличное искусство в будущее: пользователи в России и соседних странах, скачав мобильное приложение «AR Hunters», можно направить камеру своего смартфона на дорожный знак и увидеть, как он превращается в анимированное произведение искусства, пропагандирующее мир.

Проект «Дорожные знаки», послание которого обращается непосредственно к потенциальным участникам вооруженного конфликта, к концу будет интегрирован в приложение «Охотник за ДР», созданное Анастасией Владычкиной, лидером известной арт-группы «Явь». августа.

Продолжая изучать новейшие технологии в искусстве, лауреат премии и резидент Art of the World Алисса Йоффе провела мастер-класс по протестному искусству в мире виртуальной реальности Ксанакса в Тбилиси. Во время сессии Иоффе участников практически «проводили» по улицам Тбилиси, чтобы увидеть протестное искусство, наложенное на элементы городского пейзажа. Подчеркивая совместный характер проекта, Йофе пригласил всех, кто хочет внести свой вклад в антивоенные граффити, получить доступ к миру «Ксанакса Тбилиси» через платформу «VRChat».

На фоне войны возникает резкое проникающее движение.

Душевная песня, рожденная коллективным мышлением 10 русских эмигрантов, когда возник вопрос: «Что бы вы сказали тому, кто участвует в войне против Украины?» и озаглавленный «Русскому солдату», завершается запоминающимся заявлением: «Я хочу, чтобы [ты] жил… и другие тоже будут жить».

Цифры, сообщаемые «Медиазоной», подчеркивают серьезные риски, с которыми сталкиваются те, кого Россия отправляет воевать: хотя данные о военных потерях засекречены, тех, кто осмеливается сообщить о количестве убитых солдат, преследуют за распространение «фейковых новостей» об армии. Известно, что по состоянию на конец мая 2023 года умерло не менее 47 тысяч российских мужчин в возрасте до 50 лет. По оценкам «Медиазона» и «Медузы», 78 000 российских солдат могли быть ранены или пропали без вести в боях, в результате чего общие потери составили 125 000 человек. Эта цифра резко контрастирует с общедоступной информацией из России. По данным Медиазона, последний раз Минобороны раскрывало данные о пострадавших в сентябре 2022 года. Тогда Сергей Шойгу заявил, что всего в боях погибло 5937 военнослужащих.

Инновационные повествования о мире

Семра Фогель, первая жительница Art of Peace и архитектор мастерской Poems Louder Than Bombs, собрала в июле в Тбилиси пять антивоенных поэтов для совместного творческого опыта с упором на песню. Вот ее собственные слова: «Я думаю, искусство — это способ привлечь внимание к этой проблеме. Если больше людей будут использовать свое искусство для этой цели и просить об этом своих друзей, у нас будет больше шансов на мир. Будет лучше… для тех, кто уже пострадал от войны, и для тех, кто защищает себя от все большего и дальнейшего зла, которое несет эта война».

Фогель планирует развивать свою первоначальную концепцию и масштабировать ее, чтобы больше людей чувствовали себя готовыми создавать искусство протеста, как совместно, так и индивидуально. Размышляя о пяти поэтах, принимавших участие в ее главном семинаре, Фогель сказала: «Я очень горжусь своей работой. Я горжусь своей работой, потому что мне удалось их вдохновить. Это самая крутая вещь».


Для участия в движении «Искусство мира» отдельным лицам и сообществам предлагается:

  • Поделитесь своими антивоенными работами в социальных сетях, используя хештеги #ArtofPeace#ИскусствоМира, #IWantYouToLive и #ХочуЧтобыЖил.
  • Внесите свой вклад в виртуальную галерею, организованную Campaigns for Humanity.
  • Организовывать собственные совместные творческие встречи. Художники-резиденты разработали руководство для представителей общественности, которое приведено ниже.

Source: EuropaWIre

Data reveals grim reality of conflict: Report by Mediazona exposes substantial Russian military casualties, highlighting stark contrast with official figures

TBILISI, Georgia, 15-Aug-2023 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — This summer, four anti-war Russian emigrants came together through their involvement in the first-ever “Art of Peace” artist residency, backed by Campaigns for Humanity, the human rights-focused philanthropic arm of digital marketing agency Renaissance3. The initiative facilitates connection among artists affected by conflict and provides them with a platform to express their opposition to war and engage with their host communities.

“Art of Peace” innovators blend technology, self-expression to bring anti-war messages to life

Created through a collaboration of artists wishing to remain anonymous due to concerns for the safety of loved ones inside Russia, the cutting-edge project known as “Road Signs” uses augmented reality to catapult street art into the future: Users in Russia and neighboring countries who download the mobile app “AR Hunter” can point their smartphone camera at a road sign and see it transform into an animated artwork promoting peace.

“Road Signs,” whose message speaks directly to those potentially involved in armed conflict, will be integrated into the “AR Hunter” [] app created by Anastasia Vladychkina, leader of the well-known art group Yav [], by the end of August.

Continuing the embrace of the latest applications of technology in art, prizewinning artist and “Art of Peace” resident Alisa Yoffe [] led a masterclass on protest art in the virtual-reality world of “Xanax Tbilisi.” During the session, Yoffe virtually “walked” participants through the streets of Tbilisi to view protest art superimposed on elements of the cityscape. Emphasizing the collaborative nature of the project, Yoffe has invited all who wish to contribute their own anti-war graffiti to access the world of “Xanax Tbilisi” through the platform “VRChat [].”

Against the backdrop of war, a poignant artistic movement emerges

A heartfelt song born from the collective contemplation of 10 Russian emigrants when posed with the question, “What would you say to someone fighting in the war against Ukraine?” and titled “To the Russian Soldier,” culminates in the haunting refrain, “I want [you] to live… others will live too.”

Data reported [] in Mediazona underscore the grave risk born by those sent by Russia to fight: While military casualty data are classified, with those daring to report on the number of fallen soldiers prosecuted for spreading “fake news” about the army, as of late May 2023, at least 47,000 Russian men under the age of 50 had died in the war. Mediazona and Meduza estimated [] that 78,000 Russian soldiers may have been wounded or missing in action, bringing overall losses to 125,000. This figure stands in stark contrast with publicly disclosed information from Russia; as reported in Mediazona [], the last time the Ministry of Defence disclosed any casualty figures was in September 2022, when Sergei Shoygu announced that a total of 5,937 soldiers were killed in action.

Pioneering narratives for peace

Semra Fogel, an inaugural “Art of Peace” resident and architect of the “Verses are Louder than Bombs” workshop, gathered five anti-war poets at Reforum Space Tbilisi [] this July for a collaborative art-making experience centered around song. In her own words, “I think art is a way to draw attention to this problem. If more people are going to use their art for this purpose and ask their friends to, we stand a better chance at peace. It’ll be better… for those who have already suffered from the war and for those defending themselves against further and further evil that this war brings.”

Fogel plans to build on her initial concept, with the goal of scaling it so more people feel prepared to produce protest art, whether collaboratively or individually. Reflecting on the five poets who participated in her flagship workshop, Fogel said, “I’m very proud of their work. I’m proud of my work because I managed to inspire them. It’s the coolest thing.”

Get involved

To participate in the Art of Peace movement, individuals and communities are encouraged to:

  • Share their anti-war artwork on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace#ИскусствоМира#IWantYouToLive, & #ХочуЧтобыЖил.
  • Contribute to the virtual gallery [] hosted by Campaigns for Humanity.
  • Host their own collaborative art-making meetups. The resident artists crafted a guide for members of the public to use, included below.

Guide to Hosting an Art of Peace Art-Making Meetup

  1. Gather a group of people and any art supplies you like or have access to. Old magazines, glue, and paper are all you need to create a collage!
  2. Together, look at a piece of art, such as one of those included in the virtual gallery []. Then discuss how it makes you feel, what you like about it; maybe what you didn’t understand or didn’t like about it.
  3. Spend some time as a group making art or poetry of your own, inspired by the discussion and the artwork. You might use the title “I want you to live” or “art of peace” to help guide you.
  4. Share your work on social media using the hashtag #ArtofPeace#ИскусствоМира#IWantYoutoLive, & #ХочуЧтобыЖил.

To stay up to date on the latest Art of Peace news, follow Campaigns for Humanity on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

SOURCE: EuropaWire


TBILISI, Georgia, 7-Jul-2023 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — This summer, a group of Russian activists, currently living in exile, are banding together to cultivate artistic resistance to the war among the Russian diaspora. The activists, all of whom are working artists collectively specializing in a variety of mediums, initially connected through their participation in the inaugural “Art of Peace” artist residency sponsored by Campaigns for Humanity, the human rights-focused philanthropic arm of digital marketing agency Renaissance3. The initiative is designed to bring together artists affected by conflict and provide them with a platform to express their opposition to war and engage with their host communities.

“It [Art of Peace] provides an opportunity to collaborate with other talented artists, poets, and writers, united by a common goal: confronting war and violence through art.” – Anastasia Vladyckina, Art of Peace resident

Reflecting on the residency, one participant, who asked to be identified only by the letter “R” due to concern for the safety of her family still living in Russia, stated, “War cannot stop us from creating art. Here we meet, speak out, exchange, and create.”

Driven by their belief in the transformative power of expression, the “Art of Peace” residents are sharing their expertise with the broader diaspora community through immersive art experiences open to the public–including those who may not yet consider themselves artists. During these experiences, participants are guided to cultivate a sense of community amongst themselves as they create works centering around the themes of peace and pleas of “I want you to live,” an appeal directed at those in Russia they fear they could lose to this unjust war.

One of the experiences produced by the residents, titled “Verses Are Louder than Bombs,” is being organized by musician Semra Fogel and takes place at Reforum Space Tbilisi on 8, 15, and 16 July. Prospective participants must submit an application containing an original anti-war poem, which they will transform into a soundtrack over the course of three sessions led by Fogel, who received professional training in workshop facilitation as part of the “Art of Peace” residency.

“I want to inspire people opposed to the war to create art and feel the courage to share it with those who became victims of propaganda,” said Fogel. “I believe that art can be a powerful tool to promote peace and understanding between people of different backgrounds and political opinions.”

Those selected by Fogel to participate will have the opportunity to contribute the song they create during the sessions to an anti-war album that will ultimately be released to the public. Participants pay a fee of 30 GEL, with all proceeds sent to Helping To Leave, a volunteer-driven initiative that provides assistance to Ukrainians affected by the war. Participation is free for Ukrainian citizens.

Additional “Art of Peace” resident-led experiences, including a collaborative street art project conducted in augmented reality and a masterclass in protest art held in virtual reality, will be announced soon.

“Art is also capable of restoring the spiritual strength of people suffering from war and destruction. It can help them perceive the world and themselves in it anew, seeking paths to inner reconciliation and emotional peace. In this sense, art serves as a means of healing and self-expression, which can help people cope with traumas and fears.” – Anastasia Vladyckina, Art of Peace Resident

As “Art of Peace” moves beyond the residency phase and expands its reach to the general public, the founding class of artists expressed enthusiasm about the project’s potential. “While war–using weapons–deprives us of the opportunity for dialogue, art remains a means of interaction on the path to peace,” wrote resident Alisa Yoffe, who is known for her large-scale anti-war art installations. “I am an artist from Russia, and I find it extremely important to speak out against war.”

To participate in the Art of Peace movement, individuals and communities are encouraged to:

  • Share their anti-war artwork on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace, #ИскусствоМира, and #IWantYouToLive.
  • Contribute to the virtual gallery hosted by Campaigns for Humanity.
  • Host their own collaborative art-making meetups. The resident artists crafted a guide for members of the public to use, outlined below.

Guide to Hosting an Art of Peace Art-Making Meetup

  1. Gather a group of people and any art supplies you like or have access to. Old magazines, glue, and paper are all you need to create a collage!
  2. Together, look at a piece of art, such as one of those included in the virtual gallery. Then discuss how it makes you feel, what you like about it; maybe what you didn’t understand or didn’t like about it.
  3. Spend some time as a group making art or poetry of your own, inspired by the discussion and the artwork. You might use the title “I want you to live” or “art of peace” to help guide you.
  4. Share your work on social media using the hashtags #ArtofPeace, #ИскусствоМира, and #IWantYoutoLive

To stay up to date on the latest Art of Peace news, including announcements of forthcoming workshops, follow Campaigns for Humanity on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Организаторы проекта «Карта мира» убеждены, что влияние антивоенной русской диаспоры на исход войны против Украины значительно

ВИЛЬНЮС, 7-Jun-2023 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — По данным газеты The Moscow Times, до 1 миллиона человек покинули Россию после начала полномасштабного вторжения в Украину. Антивоенная российская диаспора состоит из представителей самых разных слоев обществ, но всех этих людей объединяют простые и понятные вещи — решительное осуждение вторжения в Украину и недвусмысленная поддержка суверенитета Украины, а также стремление к справедливости.

Лана Пылаева, координатор “Free Russia Netherlands”, рассказала независимому изданию Not My War: â€œÐ”ля меня самое важное — это то, что мы создали в Нидерландах как сообщество россиян, выступающих войне. Для достижения этого мы организовали целый комплекс мероприятий после начала полномасштабной войны.”

Сбор гуманитарной помощи для украинцев, боты для помощи тем, кто в России пытается избежать призыва, пикеты и марши, протестный стрит-артом, запуск международного проекта по возвращению украденных украинских детей ( — все эти возможности выступить против от агрессии российского государства так же многообразны, как и люди, возглавляющие их, а темп активности действительно впечатляет.

Координации и катализации таких процессов помогают как раз такие централизованные платформы, как интерактивна «Карта мира», которую активисты используют для синхронизации своих действий и взаимной поддержки. Изначально запущенная после начала полномасштабного вторжения для связи русскоязычных антивоенных активистов по всему миру, “Map of Peace”, усиленная недавним присуждением премии Campaigns for Humanity, объявляет о новой цели — представить на своей карте каждую русскую антивоенную инициативу. Уже сейчас на карте отмечены 144 сообществ, и их число постоянно растет. Организаторы уверены, что удобство обновленной платформы усилит возможности многочисленных эмигрантских сообществ, выступающих за мир.

Война в Украине затягивается — она идет уже 16-й месяц. И все сильнее ощущается необходимости слаженных и эффективных действий в этом «марафоне». И этому все больше убедительных доказательств. Например, активистки движения «Феминистское антивоенное сопротивление» (ФАС), представленного на «Карте мира»”, регулярно используют подрывные техники борьбы с кремлевской пропаганды, направленные непосредственно на россиян. Среди них — создание «анти-уроков», которые родители могут использовать для противодействия эффектам военной пропаганды, навязываемой российским школьникам, и использование фотошопа для создания фотографий танков, покрытых кровью и с антивоенными лозунгами, которые затем выкладываются на Google Maps.

Сможет ли подобная изобретательность россиян в эмиграции действительно повлиять на исход войны? Последние сообщения предполагают, что так. По данным «Медиазоны», число российских военнослужащих, ÑƒÐºÐ»Ð¾Ð½ÑÑŽÑ‰Ð¸Ñ…ся от службы, резко возросло, превысив показатели 2022 года всего за первые четыре месяца 2023 годаКак контрактные военнослужащие, так и призывники уклоняются от службы, отказываясь выполнять приказы о переброске на Украину или дезертируя с передовой.

Как заявили активисты российского антивоенного сообщества в годовщину начала полномасштабного вторжения в феврале: «Мы должны продолжать сопротивляться режиму вместе, поддерживать все формы протеста, менять взгляды сторонников войны, помогать тем, кто столкнулся с проблемами из-за войны, и проявлять солидарность всеми доступными и безопасными для нас способами. Не бойтесь говорить правду! Мы призываем россиян отказаться от участия и помогать другим не принимать участие в преступной войне и геноциде украинского народа».

Присоединитесь к нашей миссии за мир и справедливость для Украины. Посетите ÑÐµÐ³Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ñ, чтобы убедиться, что ваша инициатива представлена.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Renaissance3’s “Campaigns for Humanity” seeks nominations of organizations, projects, or individuals working to achieve peace for Ukraine

KYIV, Ukraine, 24-Feb-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Award-winning digital marketing agency Renaissance3 is seeking nominations of exceptional initiatives that have the objective of achieving peace for Ukraine. Each project selected will receive €10,000 in funding, as well as technical and strategic support from the agency’s team of digital communications experts.

Since its 2022 launch of Campaigns for Humanity, a people-focused initiative to empower change makers promoting human rights, digital democracy, and more humane economies around the world, Renaissance3 has been steadfast in its belief that with additional support and awareness of their efforts, the legions of Russians and Ukrainians committed to defending Ukrainian sovereignty can achieve their aims.

“I think the only way I can personally help Ukraine right now is by not fighting there,” Igor, a 26-year-old IT professional from St Petersburg as he fled his home for Russia, told The Guardian. Tatayana, a doctor from Irkutsk, added as she left for Azerbaijan following reports that Russia was calling up health professionals to the front, “I believe the sooner this horrible war stops, the fewer people will die.”

As highlighted in Renaissance3’s â€œ24 for 24” campaign, so named in reference to the 24 change makers featured on each of the 24 days leading up to the one-year anniversary of the full-scale invasion, Russians who have fled the war have been using their experience and resources to support the Ukrainian people in extraordinary ways. The campaign, which was designed to illustrate how our shared humanity can allow us to overcome the forces that seek to divide us, offers a glimpse into the vast world of Russians and Ukrainians working alongside one another for freedom and human dignity.

Renaissance3 is an award-winning digital marketing agency staffed by a team of strategists, creatives, and social media experts with diverse experience across six continents and united by a shared mission to not just market, but build movements. Renaissance3 is committed to giving back by investing a portion of its annual gross profits in initiatives that move one or more of its guiding values of human rights, digital democracy, and building more humane economies forward. Learn more at

Renaissance3’s call for nominations follows.

Funding Opportunity: Campaigns for Humanity

When we recognize our shared humanity, we are not strangers; we are simply friends who haven’t met yet.

Why: At Renaissance3, we believe hope is both the antidote to despair and a powerful motivator. At Renaissance3, we believe hope is both the antidote to despair and a powerful motivator. Since the beginning of Russia’s war against Ukraine, more than twice as many Russians have fled their country as have been drafted into the army. Vladimir Putin knows that Russians who become aware of the truth will not want to kill Ukrainians, which is why he is working so feverishly to churn out propaganda and restrict the flow of accurate information inside Russia.

When Putin launched his war of aggression, the world rallied behind Ukraine: Corporations pulled out of Russia, refusing to fund Putin’s war machine; strangers welcomed those fleeing the violence into their communities and even their homes; and citizens across the globe deployed their unique talents in support of the Ukrainian people. Renaissance3 was no exception: As an agency dedicated to empowering change agents to defend human rights, fight for digital democracy, and create more humane economies, we jumped at the opportunity to make a difference by doing what we do best.

What we do: In March 2022, we launched Campaigns for Humanity as a people-focused initiative to connect and elevate a global alliance of creatives, activists, and advertisers working toward peace in Ukraine. Since then, we’ve partnered with Ukrainian creatives to counter Russian propaganda using the power of GIFs; strengthen global solidarity by calling on the world’s people to #StayWithUkraine even as the war dragged into the spring; and spotlight the many heroes born of this tragedy through our latest project, 24 for 24. Renaissance3 was recognized as one of the KYIV International Advertising Festival’s Positive Change Winners for our work for Ukraine in 2022. And while the awards we’ve received for our work feel great, we won’t set aside our keyboards until there’s peace for Ukraine.

As marketers, we understand that attention is finite and prone to waning. That’s why, as we mark one year since the invasion began, we’re committed to leveraging our skills and resources to breathe new life into the ongoing campaign for peace.

We know:

Russians are being bombarded with propaganda denying the humanity of Ukrainians.
Information breeds resistance to injustice.
Ordinary Russians have extraordinary power to influence the outcome of this war.

How you can help: We’re seeking nominations of organizations, projects, or individuals working to achieve peace for Ukraine that could use additional funding and marketing support to magnify the impact of their efforts. Selected nominees will receive the following:

€10,000 in funding to directly support their work to help end the war in Ukraine
Technical and strategic support from our team of digital media experts to amplify the impact of the funded work

Whom to nominate: Selected nominees will be able to articulate how their work can bring peace to Ukraine and how €10,000 in new funding will meaningfully propel that work forward. Self-nominations are permitted. Nominees should be engaged in work that seeks to educate Russians and Ukrainians about ways they can help stop the war by raising awareness, encouraging action, and promoting the principle of shared humanity among all people. The work should align with one or more of the following objectives:

Save Lives:
Humans fight wars; humans can also choose to not fight wars.
Let Russians who have been conscripted into the army or could be in the future know they have options to resist fighting in this unjust war. (Ex: I Want To Live Hotline).

Share Truth:
Counter Russian propaganda by communicating accurate information about the war to personal contacts. Ukrainians and Russians alike can leverage close relationships with family and friends to provide resources that can help them overcome Russian state influence. (Ex: Papa Believe Outreach Initiative).

Build Community:
Foster relationship-building and cultural exchange between Russians and Ukrainians who have fled their countries as a result of the war and have a shared desire for peace.

Submit your nomination: Please fill out the form at to submit your nomination. Renaissance3 will review nominations on a rolling basis and contact both the nominator and nominee if they are being considered for an award.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New Campaign Highlights Extraordinary Efforts of Peace Activists in Ukraine

24 for 24

KYIV, Ukraine, 24-Feb-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — Prior to February 24, 2022, the people and organizations spotlighted in digital marketing agency Renaisssance3’s latest initiative were content to be parents and children; musicians and poets; businesses and workers. The company’s newest campaign, titled “24 for 24” in reference to the 24 change makers profiled–one for each of the 24 days leading up to the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine–was conceived as a series to illustrate the power our collective humanity has to overcome the forces that seek to divide us.

In her “Diary of Lviv,” Vlada Ralko writes, “The shock of war undermines ordinary perception of reality.” But “If we are united, we will be able to defeat evil,” insists Valentyna Polovnyka of Bickerstaff, a Ukrainian creative agency featured in the campaign.

Among the stories documented in “24 for 24” are those of a German father and daughter who, determined to assist the thousands of Ukrainians fleeing the bombs, journeyed 1,000 km from their home in Frankfurt to meet refugees flowing through the Polish border; an account of thousands of creatives who banded together to fight information warfare with the stated aim of preventing World War III; and Russian independent media, many in exile, who risk their security and livelihoods to provide accurate information to those who need it most.

Renaissance3–which launched Campaigns for Humanity in March 2022 as a global alliance of creatives, activists, and advertisers working toward peace in Ukraine–is an award-winning digital marketing agency that invests a portion of its profits in initiatives aligned with its guiding values of human rights, digital democracy, and more humane economies. For its work with Campaigns for Humanity, the company was named a Positive Change Winner at the 2022 KYIV International Advertising Festival.

As part of its renewed commitment to support peace in Ukraine as the war enters its second year, Renaissance3 is also announcing €10,000 funding awards, as well as technical and strategic support from its team of digital communications experts, available for nongovernmental organizations or individuals working on projects to defend Ukrainian sovereignty. To submit a nomination, visit

Follow the 24 for 24 campaign at

To learn more about Renaissance3, please visit

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Is Europe’s interest in the 2014 Vrbetice Explosions driven by the Biden-Putin meeting?

Sacramento, California, USA, 2021-Jun-16 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — Louis Marinelli, an American political activist, and California governor candidate, released a short film exploring the issue of Vrbetice explosions in the light of the first Biden – Putin meeting.

The film was made in collaboration with Adam Kokesh, a libertarian activist who ran for USA presidency in 2020, and was aimed to present a perspective that is not widespread in the media today and discuss an alternative vision of the explosions in the Czech Republic, sanctions against Russia and the current state of international relations prior to Putin – Biden meeting.

In 2014, a series of explosions destroyed an arms depot in the Czech Republic, causing two deaths. At the time, Czech authorities blamed the explosions on human error. But now, in the months leading up to the Biden-Putin meeting set for Geneva, the explosions have resurfaced as a topic of international concern – except now NATO allies and EU members are blaming Russia – and placing sanctions on Russia as a result, even though they lack any direct evidence of Russian involvement.

Louis Marinelli unravels the story and presents an alternative theory – is Europe’s renewed interest in the 2014 explosions in Vrbetice really just a pretext to place sanctions on Russia and tarnish Russia’s reputation before Putin’s meeting with Biden? Or maybe the explosions are simply the result of a rivalry between two arms dealers – Emelian Gebrev, and Boyko Borissov, who, until recently, was also the Prime Minister of Bulgaria?

Additional information:

Louis J. Marinelli (born March 28, 1986) is an American political activist of the California independence movement organized under the Yes California Independence Campaign, an umbrella organization representing the coalition of parties and organizations supporting the proposed California independence referendum. Marinelli is the former president of Yes California and the former interim chairman of the California National Party, under which he also ran for California State Assembly in California’s 80th State Assembly district representing south San Diego, National City, Chula Vista, San Ysidro, and the surrounding communities.

Adam Charles Kokesh (born February 1, 1982) is an American libertarian political activist, radio host, and author. Kokesh was a U.S. 2020 Libertarian presidential candidate running on the single-issue platform of an “orderly dissolution of the federal government.”

Kokesh is a former U.S. Marine Corps sergeant, serving in the Iraq War in 2004. Upon his return from Iraq, he became an anti-war activist and an advocate for Iraq Veterans Against the War.

Media contact:

Louis J. Marinelli

Via EPR Network
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Bring Back Civility initiative hopes to promote civility In the United States

JUNEAU, Alaska, 2020-Oct-13 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — What started out as a way to get his daily 10,000 steps, a local man hopes in the long run will change the course of dialog in America.

For 12 years during the cruise season, Robert Steinke has been coming to the Port in Juneau to greet cruise customers and welcome them aboard humpback whale watching excursions. With the pandemic in full swing, he still feels drawn to the Port and would visit frequently – focusing on his daily 10,000 step goal rather than greeting customers. These walks allowed for releasing some built up pandemic energy and passing the time listening to a little talk radio or podcasts.

It was during one of these daily walks while listening to various podcast’s that Robert was struck with an idea. “Sometimes on these call-in shows, things can get a bit heated,” stated Steinke, “then, one of the callers said ‘Why can’t we just bring back civility?’ I couldn’t get that thought out of my mind, I went to bed that night thinking about the idea of civility and how important that concept is to a democracy.” From that day at the Port, Steinke was inspired to help spread the idea of bringing back civility.

After chatting with his wife and doing some research, Steinke decided the best way to change the tone was for individuals to publicly share the concept of civility – almost brand themselves with the idea of ‘be civil’. So, Steinke launched the website where individuals can brand themselves with the ideal of being civil to each other.

“We don’t have to agree on everything, or even anything, to be civil to each other. Being civil is really a choice,” stated Steinke. “This is just a simple way to remind ourselves and others to be kind and be civil to each other.” Since the launch of the website, the most popular items have been face masks and hats. Both come in a variety of colors and designs to suit everyone. “I like the face masks, they make a few different statements when you wear one,” stated Steinke.

The site will be up at least until the end of the year. Most gear will be shipped in 3-7 days and can be shipped worldwide. The company is also taking bulk orders from shops that are interested in carrying the line.

Via EPR Network
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Matvil Corp. Continues Its Fight Against Illegal Actions of the Legal System of Moldova

A case of intellectual rights dispute sheds light on the corrupt legal system of Moldova

TORONTO, Canada, 2020-May-15 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — As one of the leading online ethnic TV providers, operating in North America, Matvil Corp. discovered, there is no reliable system in place that protects legal broadcasters from dishonest competition. In their attempts to enter the US and Canadian markets, Internet pirates commit fraud and manipulate data in order to influence the corrupt legal system of Eastern European countries and try to destabilize operations of successful companies, cause financial damage and hurt their reputation.

The case Radio Star Ltd. against Matvil Corp. is a vivid proof of such practices.

On June 8, 2018, Radio Star Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Matvil Corp. in the court of Chisinau, Moldova, stating that the latter illegally broadcasted a number of Russian and Ukrainian channels on the territory of Moldova.

It should be noted right away that in support of its demands, Radio Star (Moldova), knowingly and deliberately used various methods to circumvent technical protection measures undertaken by Matvil Corp., and subsequently presented them as evidence. Using ExpressVPN program, accomplices or employees of Radio Star (Moldova), (which in this case is a media “pirate”), physically located in the Republic of Moldova, created user accounts and, using American IP addresses, with location in New Jersey, USA, registered on the Matvil Corp website, thereby creating the illusion of receiving services offered by the company.

It should be clarified that ExpressVPN program is a virtual tunnel that virtually changes the physical location of a computer or other electronic device, assigning this device a virtual IP address, indicating a virtual location anywhere in the world (at the choice of the user of this program), while physically, the electronic device is located in its territorial space.

Matvil Corp is a respectable media provider that provides online TV broadcasting services in Canada and the United States. Subscription access to the service for users from the countries of former USSR and Russia is strictly prohibited and unavailable.

However, malicious desire for illegal enrichment pushes such adversaries as Radio Star (Moldova) to resort to illegal actions, falsification, fraud and the commission of crimes using IT technologies.

Moreover, as it became known already in the framework of the trial, Radio Star (Moldova) does not have exclusive rights at all to broadcast Russian and Ukrainian television channels in the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Radio Star (Moldova) is just an agent for the distribution and conclusion of contracts with the end consumer and with a limited duration of contractual agreements.

In addition, Matvil Corp did not receive any claims from the copyright holders, and Radio Star (Moldova) did not provide any evidence that authority was granted by the copyright holders to protect their interests.

Despite all of the above, on January 18, 2019, Chisinau Court of First Instance, Judge Oksana Parfeni, ruled in favor of Radio Star, accepting all their fabricated evidence as reliable, but denied Matvil Corp representatives the right to hear IT experts / specialists and also denied the right to hear those persons who allegedly gained access to the service.

If the court were objective and impartial, then these adversaries would be asked only one question: “For what reason and why did they use ExpressVPN program, used American IP addresses, with location in New Jersey, USA, and did not try to log in on Matvil Corp website under valid Moldovan IP addresses? ”

On February 2, 2019 lawyer Matvil Corp appealed the decision of the first instance, however, even here Matvil Corp had to face partiality.

On April 5, 2019, that is, after 2 months, Chisinau Appeal Chamber issued a Decision, which decided to return the appeal because it was filed by an unauthorized person. The reason for this decision was a banal and completely illegal motive: the power of attorney issued to the company’s lawyer was allegedly not legalized in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova.

It should be noted that this Decision was not sent to Matvil Corp lawyers until May 15, 2019 (apparently it was concealed in order to have the appeal dates expire). Only after applying with an official statement and demanding to indicate at what stage the filed appeal was, the court deigned to issue this Decision.

On the same day, May 15, 2019, the lawyer filed a protest against the Decision dated April 5, 2019, where it was decided to return the appeal, and on June 6, 2019, the Higher Trial Chamber of the Republic of Moldova ruled that the power of attorney was legal, and therefore obliged the Appeals Chamber to consider on its own merits the appeal about the decision of the first instance of the Court.

Thus, the first ray of hope for the objectivity and honesty of the Moldovan Judicial System appeared.

November 14, 2019 – The Appeal Court acknowledged the fact that Radio Star (Moldova) does not have any exclusive rights to broadcast TV programs and does not have the authority to protect the interest of copyright holders and, as a result, reversed the decision of the first instance and dismissed adversaries’ lawsuit.

It seemed as though that justice has triumphed!!!

However, the miracles of the legal / judicial system of Moldova continued.

Just by accident and thanks to the vigilance of the lawyers, it became known that Radio Star submitted cassation appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice on January 14, 2020.

This information appeared on the court’s website, but until today, neither Matvil Corp nor the company’s lawyer have received a copy of this complaint and have not been officially informed of its existence.

Moreover, on March 18, 2020 this complaint has already passed the admissibility procedure, and the review itself is scheduled for May 20, 2020 and, what is noteworthy, without the participation of the parties!

This series of non-compliance with the requirements of the Law by the system itself, which was created to protect it, shows that it serves the interests of a certain group of people.

Using the Moldovan judicial system, unscrupulous competitors try to destabilize the business and cause serious financial and reputational damage to American and Canadian companies that do not conduct and did not intend on conducting business in Moldova.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

Geneva Global Initiative calls on Governments and multilateral institutions to develop more integrated and concrete preparedness strategies for whole-society responses

GENEVA, 6-May-2019 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — The UN IPBES’ 2019 Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is another one in a long line of warnings about the state of our planet. It should be clear that we face multiple interacting environmental stresses, and these are intensifying. Profound environmental, economic and political changes will likely define the next decade and beyond.

“Now is the time to bring attention to how we handle the risk of a large-scale systemic failure if all mitigation efforts fall flat and sustainable goals are not met in time”, said David Korowicz, GGI’s Director for Risk and Response.

The GGI is hosting an on-the-record teleconference to further discuss this, open to journalists and parties focused on these issues on Wednesday, May 8, at 4:00 pm Central European Time. The call is open to the public, but RSVP is required at

SOURCE: EuropaWire


BRUSSELS, Jun-25-2018 — /EuropaWire/ — There is evidence that points to the possibility that up to 88.000 Schengen visas and an unknown number of medical visas have been illegally sold without proper checks in a country where ISIS-terrorists are active.

Meet Mr. IVAN GRECH MINTOFF who recently presented evidence to the Maltese courts of a far-reaching scandal involving political appointees in the Maltese Prime Minister’s office sold Schengen and medical visas to Libyans illicitly.

Mr. Grech Mintoff’s testimony continues the work of recent murder of the anti-corruption journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta. The scandal points to high-level political direct involvement in visa trade and human trafficking, that could undermine public trust in the Schengen visa system and potentially threaten European security arrangements.

Also present will be a number of MEPs that demand an investigation.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New York’s Health Agency (NYSDOH) Cited in Iraq War’s Blowback

New York, NY, 2016-Dec-31 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — As the Iraq War’s official end on December 18, 2011 marks its fifth anniversary, many questions remain on its fallouts. New York’s French-American community is one of them, as it remembers its blacklisting when France opted out of attacking Iraq.

Choosing diplomatic pressure rather than “shock and awe” ignited fury for many in New York. The call for anti-French boycotts resonated in tabloids as pictures of New Yorkers spilling wines in gutters vied with accusations of an ally’s betrayal and cowardice. Information can be found by googling “New York’s French boycotts and Iraq,” and “Freedom fries.”

How effective were the boycotts? “Very much so, even devastating,” says French consulate’s official physician and mental health coordinator at the time, Gérard Sunnen, MD, “the French-American community of New York was stunned by their virulence. Why, many wondered, did they materialize only in New York, in striking contrast to the rest of the country?”

“Targeted were all manner of French-American businesses, from Air France to bakeries, as rosters of marked companies circulated widely. Earliest felled were restaurants, whose sales plummeted by as much as half. Like dominoes, they closed their doors, dismissing their workers. Called by many the “consulate’s darkest hour,” it went on for weeks, interminable months, and still resonates today.”

“As layoffs mounted,” Dr. Sunnen added, “so did their mental health consequences, from all manner of stress reactions to self-destructive depressions. And workers suddenly out of work could not find employment because no one would take them. The consulate’s social services department work load soared to levels never attained before.”

Faced with this onslaught, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) was repeatedly contacted to lend the community its medical and mental health assistance. In addition, New York state and city top officials were insistently asked to add their voice to call off the boycotts. All appeals remained unanswered and, for reasons of non-assistance and abandonment of responsibility, this matter was eventually reported and filed in New York and Federal courts.

Dr. Sunnen, who also cites his experience as a Vietnam-era U.S. veteran, concludes, “history needs constant reckoning, otherwise it can remain a fable. These events are now brought to light so that long-term allies can better understand the meaning of their relationship.”


Gérard Sunnen, MD:
Supreme Court, State of New York, No. 102194/2012
U.S. District Court, Southern District of NY 12 Civ. 3417
U.S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 13-465cv
U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) 1:13-cv-1242
New York State Division of Human Rights (NYSDHR) No. 10181422
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) No. DCA96MA070

Contact-Details: Gerard Sunnen, MD


Via EPR Network
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Est d’Ucraina: Compagnia europea Flame SA paga a gli guerriglieri

KIEV, 08-Nov-2016 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — “Giornalisti contro la corruzzione e illegittimità” – un gruppo di giornalisti-investigatori Ucraini – ha comunicato dei documenti compromettenti che si sono trovati a loro disposizione e confermano la collaborazione della compagnia europea Flame SA con La Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk (RPD) – organizzazione a riconoscimento limitato che ha preso la territoria al Est d’Ucraina sotto suo controllo.

Il documento sopracennato è un contratto a consegna di 72 000 tonnellate di carbone tra Flame SA e la miniera “Jdanivska” che si trova nel territorio non controllato al Est d’Ucraina. Questo territorio, anche come tutte le imprese localizzate, sono conrollati dai ribelli filorussi della stessa RPD. Intanto, tali relazioni commerciali devono essere regolati proprio dalla legislazione Ucraina: l’impresa, anche stando al territorio non controllato, deve pagare le tasse al bilancio statale, poiché è registrata al territorio d’Ucraina e si trova li stesso.
Però, dopo l’inizio di azioni militari nel 2014, molte compagnie della regione hanno dichiarato della nuova registrazione, iniziando a pagare le tasse al bilancio della autodichiarata RPD.

Praticamente, questo è il diritto finanziameno degli guerriglieri. In mezzo a tali “sponsor” – la sopracennata miniera “Jdanivska” che a sua volta riceveva i soldi dalla europea Flame SA.

A quale base la Flame SA acquistava il carbone proprio in questa miniera e perché non ha trovato una fonte alternativa per le consegne di questa materia prima – resta l’incognita. I rappresentanti della compagnia non hanno risposto ne a una domanda dei giornalisti ucraini.

Tra le altre cose, il sito web della Flame SA è inaccessibile, per questo non risulta possibile avere dei commeti ufficiali della compagnia su quest’affare.

Il Servizio di Sicurezza d’Ucraina (SSU) si è già interessato del fatto del presente contratto – per adesso solo nella parte di rinvio a giudizio penale del direttore della miniera “Jdanivska”, il signore Ruslan Dubovskiy. È accusato di esecuzione delle operazioni illegali d’esportazione con Flame SA e una serie di altre compagnie allo scopo di “fininziamento del terrorismo” (clausola 258-5, parte 1 del Codice Criminale d’Ucraina). Al presente, l’indagine del SSU su quest’affare continua.

Ma non è l’unico “buco” della compagnia Flame SA. Secondo i dati dei giornalisti ucraini, la compagnia in violazione delle sanzioni internazionali ha dei rapporti commerciali con un’altra miniera – “Zarechnaya”, che si trova nella Federazione Russa. Questa miniera è l’attivo della compagnia “Uralvagonzavod” che a sua volta sta nella lista delle compagnie sottomesse alle sanzioni degli Stati Uniti e Unione Europea.

Flame SA e le sue filiali F-Chem SA e Brando International sono situati allo stesso indirizzo in Svizzera. L’attività principale della compagnia è la ricerca e consegna del carbone energetico, coke di petrolio e coke mettallurgico. Flame SA esercita commercio in tutto il mondo, il suo capitale impiegabile è 1 milione di franchi svizzeri. E non è una sorpresa, considerando i volumi degli acquisti e il profitto ricevuto.

Fonte: EuropaWire

La société européenne «Flame SA» paye aux rebelles de l’Est de l’Ukraine

KIEV, 08-Nov-2016 — /EPR GOVERNMENT NEWS/ — «Les journalistes contre la corruption et l’illégalité», un groupe de journalistes enquêteurs ukrainiens, a signalé des documents compromettants dont on avait saisi, qui témoignent de la collaboration de la société européenne «Flame SA» avec la République populaire de Donetsk (RPD), l’organisation non reconnue qui avait pris contrôle du territoire de l’Est de l’Ukraine.

Le document susmentionné est un contrat pour la fourniture de 72 000 tons de charbon conclu entre «Flame SA» et la mine «Zhdanivska» située sur le territoire incontrôlé à l’Est de l’Ukraine. Ce territoire, aussi que toutes les entreprises se trouvant sur lui, est contrôlé par les insurgés pro-russes de cette RPD. Pourtant, c’est la législation ukrainienne qui doit réglementer toutes relations commerciales comme ça : même les entreprises sur le territoire incontrôlé sont obligées à payer ses impôts au budget de l’Etat, étant immatriculées et situées sur le territoire de l’Ukraine.

Néanmoins, beaucoup de sociétés en cette région du pays ont déclaré leur «réimmatriculation» après le début des hostilités en 2014 pour payer leurs impôts au budget de la RPD autoproclamée. En fait, c’est un financement direct des rebelles. La mine «Zhdanivska», qui a reçu de l’argent à son tour de la société européenne «Flame SA», est parmi ces «sponsors».

Reste à savoir à quel titre «Flame SA» a choisi cette mine pour se procurer du charbon et pourquoi on n’a pas trouvé de source alternative de matière. Aucune demande des journalistes ukrainiens a été répondue par les représentants de la société.

Cependant, le site web de «Flame SA» est indisponible, ce qui rend impossible l’obtention de quelconques commentaires officiels sur ce marché par la société.

Le contrat a déjà capté l’attention du Service de Sécurité d’Ukraine (SSU), jusqu’à présent seulement au niveau de la traduction en justice du directeur de la mine «Zhdanivska» Ruslan Dubovsky. Il est accusé d’avoir effectué des exportations illégales à «Flame SA» ainsi qu’à un nombre d’autres sociétés afin de «financer le terrorisme» (article 258-5, paragraphe 1 du Code pénal de l’Ukraine). L’enquête du SSU sur l’affaire se poursuit jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Et pourtant, ce n’est pas le seul faux pas de «Flame SA». D’après les journalistes ukrainiens, la société a également des relations commerciales, en contournant les sanctions internationales, avec une autre mine, «Zarechnaya», qui se trouve dans la Fédération de Russie. Cette mine représente un actif de l’entreprise «Uralvagonzavod» inscrite sur la liste des compagnies et des entreprises sanctionnées par les Etats-Unis et l’Union Européenne.

«Flame SA» et ses filiales «F-Chem SA» et «Brando International», elles toutes ont la même adresse suisse. L’activité principale de la société est la recherche et la livraison de charbon de chaudière, de coke de pétrole et de coke métallurgique. «Flame SA» fait du commerce à travers le monde, son capital libre s’élevant à un million de francs suisses. Rien d’étonnant, étant donné le volume des achats et les montants recueillis.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Brazil’s congressional leaders tackle the serious cell phone problems in their country

We Don’t Make the Smartphone…We Make it Smarter, Safer, Courteous and Compliant.

With a registered bill on the table, U.S. based Try Safety First (TSF) is deploying time, talent and resources into Brazil to advance its new mobile phone protocol technology. With its white paper being published in more than twenty-four countries across the globe, it is Brazil where TSF is looking to launch.

When asked why Brazil , TSF CEO John Fischer said, “TSF is eager to work with all governments and strategic partners to advance our patent-pending protocol technology. But to date, it is the congressional leaders of Brazil who have demonstrated the greatest desire and responsiveness to tackle the serious cell phone problems in their country.”

According to the World Health Organization, environment specific (prisons, court rooms, classrooms, in flight and behind the wheel) cell phone problems are costing theworld’s top industrialized countries between one and three percent of GDP. Fischer agrees societal cell phone problems are dynamic, devastating and very costly. But he also expands the statement by saying they can easily be eradicated with the implementation of TSF protocol technology.

TSF is the world leader for mobile device protocol development. According to Fischer, the advancement of TSF’s protocol technology will provide an optional tool for parents, teachers, judges, wardens, pilots and employers to easily eliminate cell phone problems within their respective environments. TSF’s primary objective is to establish a uniform global standard throughout the wireless industry to increase the functionality of mobile devices to provide simple solutions to remedy grand societal problems.

For more information on TSF technology or for investment opportunities, please visit

Via EPR Network
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Palestinian Statehood Bid Questioned at UN Headquarters in New York by International Christian Delegation

A group of Christian pastors presented an outline of Bible prophesies to the U.N. relating to the proposal to recognise Palestine this month and the dangerous consequences to the nations. As reported by The Washington Post and The Associated Press in a news release dated Wednesday, August 31, 2011, Israel is resigned to the U.N. General Assembly’s endorsement of a planned Palestinian bid for admission as a state to the United Nations in late September.

Conservative Christians are virtually unanimous in their support for Israel. In mid-August, Yahoo News reported that Bible-believing pastors were in New York City to warn U.N. officials concerning the Palestinian’s admission to the United Nations. The group informed officials of the Bible’s strong warnings against dividing the land of Israel. One member of the delegation was quoted as saying“There’s a Jew on the throne of heaven and Israel is his land.”

They have repeated their warnings of the Bible’s declaration of the true owner of the land of Israel and the predicted consequences to the Nations that are involved in dividing Israel. A summation of their beliefs is as follows:

1. God’s ownership of the entire land of Israel is absolute and His conveyance of the land to the Jewish people disallows U.N. authority over Israel.

• God said of Israel, “The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine…” Leviticus 25:23

• God gave it, “To Israel for an everlasting covenant, saying, unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance” “And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee…all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” Genesis 17:8

2. Granting nation status to the Palestinians defies God’s declaration of ownership and will lead to the following judgments:

• God said that all nations would collectively divide the land of Israel and that the people and nations involved would be judged severely. They used the following Bible verses to support their case: Zechariah 12:3 “…I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Joel 3:2 states: “I will also gather all nations …and will plead with them…for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.”

• The Bible also teaches that subsequent to dividing the land of Israel, God will bring the following types of catastrophes and judgments which are revealed in the Prophets and the New Testament:

• Worldwide financial collapse

• Worldwide weather disasters and extreme heat waves

• The greatest earthquake of all time leading to the cities falling

• Worldwide famine with plagues and pestilence

• Armageddon

“For the LORD shall rise up …he shall be wroth…Now therefore be ye not mockers…: for I have heard from the Lord GOD of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the whole earth.” Isaiah 28:21-22

Some have asked how a loving and merciful God could seek to destroy the nations for coming against Israel. The answer they state is that they have rejected The Lord Jesus Christ, referred to in the Bible as the King of the Jews and the ruler of heaven and earth.

• “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Matthew 28:18

• “The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.” Psalms 110:5-6

Several U.N. staff members agreed that the Bible teaches that Jesus, who paid for the sins of the world with His blood, will return and reign over the whole earth. The delegation quoted the following Biblical verses in the context of Jesus’ offer of mercy and imminent worldwide reign: “And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up…to worship the King, the LORD of hosts…” Zechariah 14:16

Those who recognize their personal sin and ask Jesus for salvation will escape the world-wide judgements. “For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness…” Mark 7:21-22

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases Changes Its Name To

The popular U.S. election news website, 2012 Election News, has officially changed its name. Jillian Curtin, Editor-in-Chief of has announced that the website has changed its name and URL to, to provide an accurate reflection of its ongoing focus.

“The response has been overwhelming,” said Curtin. “What started out as a simple 2012 election discussion has turned into a national conversation about our personal rights, needs and dreams.”

The name change is effective immediately and the site’s new URL is What began as a forum for the U.S. presidential elections in August 2010 has evolved and taken on a life of its own. The site was originally created as a non-partisan informational venue for news about U.S. elections and candidates. The website also provided voters with a forum for the free exchange of ideas on issues of concern.

In less than a year, US Election News has grown from a hub for local, national and global election news to a go to website for information on the economy, the war on drugs, workers unions, employment, government spending, worker safety and natural disasters relateing to our government leaders. The site also addresses immigration, healthcare, terrorist activities, the emerging green energy industry, social issues and international relations as releated to United States and Presidentail elections.

The multi-media site features a wide range of audio, video and written content. The publication informs voters about topics of concern that affects them on a local and national level, along with issues in far reaching locations around the globe. US Election News disseminates information on a non-partisan basis from Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Tea Party members.

US Election News has its headquarters in Cartersville, Georgia. The publication is always seeking qualified journalists to provide news and information for a balanced view on local and global issues. The site recently launched its complimentary Facebook page that can be found at The Facebook site welcomes visitors and invites them to engage in lively civil discourse and debate on topics both foreign and domestic.

US Election News is dedicated to providing voters with a balanced view of the issues and actions taking place on a daily basis that affects all facets of life in a global community. The site welcomes visitor interaction and communication for a better understanding of government and world events that shape the history of the world each day.

US Election News can be contacted by phone at 202-379-2821 or by email via the convenient online form.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

Martha Lane Fox’s ‘Network Nation’ Will Help The Jobless

Internet millionaire Fil Adams Mercer put his support squarely behind the Coalition Government’s plans to get 10 million more Britons to use the internet.

“There were seven million jobs advertised online last year. 900,000 unemployed people do not currently use the internet. It’s a no brainer,” said Mr Adams Mercer, whose online parcel company Parcel2Go has grown to a £16 million business.

Martha Lane Fox, the Government’s ‘digital champion’ and founder of, intends to have 100% of the British public online by the Olympic year 2012 with her ‘Network Nation’.

The potential savings for Government are obvious if a higher percentage of administrative functions can be performed online.

“We’re not advocating that everyone has a computer at home. There has been so much ICT (information and communication technologies) investment into communities – into schools, into GP surgeries, into libraries. For example, there are 500,000 computers locked up in schools every night. That’s just dumb, especially now, when we need to be sweating our assets as much as we can,” she said.

The Prime Minister said: “We need to ensure that people aren’t being left behind as more and more services and business move online. Promoting digital inclusion is essential for a dynamic modern economy and can help to make government more efficient and effective.”

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

President’s Call For Jobs and Justice Fuels Rallies By National Black Farmers Association

The call for jobs and a renewed emphasis on civil rights in the State of the Union address will echo through upcoming rallies, according to Dr. John Boyd, president of the National Black Farmers Association.

President's Call For Jobs and Justice Fuels Rallies By National Black Farmers Association

In a series of regional events, black farmers will urge Congress and President Obama to act now on a promised $1.15 billion to remedy decades of discrimination.

“The nation’s treatment of black farmers is a blight. Empty promises only make matters worse,” said Dr. Boyd. “It is time for Congress to do the right thing and compensate discriminated black farmers for the government’s wrongs against them. It certainly has found the will to fund far less worthy and much more expensive causes. “

Beginning on February 6 in Little Rock, Arkansas, black farmers and supporters from some of the most depressed areas of the country will come together to insist on long promised and long delayed justice. It was back in 1999 that the government agreed to one of the largest civil rights settlements in our history, the Pigford case, due to discriminatory practices by the USDA.

In his State of the Union address, President Obama observed: “We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal, that no matter who you are or what you look like, if you abide by the law you should be protected by it; that if you adhere to our common values you should be treated no different than anyone else.”

On the other side of the aisle, Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia found it easy to agree on the subject of job creation.

“We were encouraged to hear President Obama speak this evening about the need to create jobs,” said McDonnell. “All Americans should have the opportunity to find and keep meaningful work, and the dignity that comes with it.”

But for black farmers, the ideals laid out by both President Obama and Governor McDonnell have been only a dream. Black farmers and supporters will rally throughout the Southeast culminating in a rally in front of the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC to make heard the urging of thousands: keep your promise; justice now.

The rally schedule includes:

Saturday, February 6, 2010: Little Rock, Arkansas (The Downtown Hilton)
Monday, February, 8, 2010: Memphis, Tennessee (Handy Park)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010: Jackson, Missouri (Battlefield Park)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010: Montgomery, Alabama (in front of the Capital Building)
Thursday, February 11, 2010: Columbus, Georgia (The Columbus Civic Center)
Friday, February 12, 2010: Columbia, South Carolina (The Clarion Hotel)
Saturday, February 13, 2010: Richmond, Virginia (Downtown Hilton)
Monday, February 15, 2010: Washington, DC (US Department of Agriculture – Jefferson Drive side)

For more information, please contact Billy Warden (919) 412.0630 or visit

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

Tony Blair Rewards $14.95 a Month to Middle Class in New labour Government Rhetoric

Trying to raise the veil of ignorance surrounding the Blair rewards program is quite a mystery and requires significant data collection, statistical analysis, and number crunching. Based on significant time and energy to determine the net cost for the middle class, it has been established that Blair rewards cost the average middle class family $14.95 a month.

The blairrewards received notice as Tony Blair continued to promote politicians by rewarding them for self-serving actions. The Blair rewards program was deployed as a means to achieve additional political power and incentivize individual politicians to side with Tony Blair in order to further their careers. Naturally, this type of political lobbying is somewhat commonplace in our society, no matter how unfortunate it may be.

The new Labour Government and many individuals get caught in the confusion. When there is confusion, there is a profit to be made. The Blair rewards program has profited Tony Blair considerably. In return for his greater locus of control and promotion of war, he has received a generous token position with JP Morgan for millions of dollars a year.

By researching the Blair rewards program it has come to light that the ramifications of blair rewards is $14.95 a month (8.89 GBP) for the middle class. From all of the confusion and settling of dust surrounding the stratagem deployed by Tony Blair the cost is finally put into terms that one can understand. The average family no longer gets rewards of $14.95 a month because they were left behind by the conservative party.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases