Category Archives: Presidency

Diaspora Key to Safeguarding Moldova’s Democracy in Critical 2024 Elections

CHIȘINĂU, 18-Oct-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — Moldova faces a pivotal moment as the 2024 presidential elections approach, with foreign actors working to undermine its democratic process. These elections will determine whether Moldova strengthens its democracy and ties with Europe or falls back under authoritarian influence. The Moldovan diaspora, a powerful voting bloc, has the opportunity to shape the country’s future.

Disinformation, fueled by Russian-backed sources, is spreading false narratives aimed at confusing voters and eroding trust in the electoral system. With a surge in registered voters from Russia and tactics similar to those seen in Ukraine and Belarus, Moldova’s democracy is under threat. The diaspora’s participation is essential to ensuring the country’s democratic progress continues.

Why the Diaspora Matters: Shaping Moldova’s Future

In 2020, the Moldovan diaspora played a crucial role in Maia Sandu’s victory, helping Moldova move toward European integration. The 2024 elections are even more decisive, with Moldova’s future on the line. Moldovans abroad must recognize the urgency of this moment—voting is a powerful defense against disinformation and authoritarianism.

Call to Action: Defend Democracy by Voting

VOTE on October 20, 2024: Every vote counts in the fight for Moldova’s future. Moldovans in the diaspora can safeguard democracy by casting their ballots. For information on voting: For voting locations abroad, visit:

Combat Disinformation: Share accurate information and encourage others to vote. The diaspora has the power to ensure Moldova remains a free and democratic nation.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Cherie DeVille to run for US President in 2020

Los Angeles, CA, Sep-7-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Sporting a doctorate on her resume, a well-spoken, opinionated candidate has emerged in the 2020 run for president. With Donald Trump having opened the door to public figures attaining the highest office, DeVille has announced her intention to run for President. She’s enlisted Coolio to serve as Vice-President due to his rise from poverty to a gangster’s paradise, and having toured every state in this land, and dozens of countries throughout the world speaking to people along the way – together they know how to fix America.

DeVille announces her presidential bid during a 7+ minute press conference which introduces her team as she recounts her views for change. Coolio is introduced as the presidential hopeful’s running mate and is a strong proponent for universal healthcare, hoping to roll out CoolioCare to the masses.
Chere DeVille speaks eloquently on the broken promises of the current administration and goes so far as to touch on the travel ban, healthcare as well as the disastrous situation that Trump has left the world in with the United State’s withdrawal from the Paris Accord.

International models @Khloe and @MissKennedyS bring the millennial vote along with substantial experience from travelling the world and speaking to the people. Summers, is also a third year med student who has very real concepts on how to improve the healthcare system and will work closely with the Vice President on CoolioCare. Canadian born Khloe Terae hopes to cozy up with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in her role as head of Foreign Relations.

Former WWE legend Virgil is the man behind the woman. The former bodyguard for the Million Dollar Man will reprise his role on a much grander scale. Virgil has been pegged with being the personal bodyguard for the Presidential hopeful, along with being head of security. Having broken breadsticks at Olive Garden with Donald Trump, Virgil has keen insight in the current administration, and can help transition when Cherie DeVille captures the White House.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

“R.I.P., G.O.P” Says Republican Anti-Romney Activist

Will the GOP survive Mitt Romney? No chance, insists a Republican precinct committee officer (PCO) from Redmond, Wash., who has renounced the ticket on two of his websites, RIPGOP and RINORomney.

Lord Nigel Featherston, a former Microsoft engineer who holds 12 patents, thinks the Grand Old Party can be saved, but not by the Romney-Ryan ticket.

“Electing Romney would drive another nail into the party’s coffin,” Featherston declares on his website. Although he rants against RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) and labels Romney a “liberal RINO who lacks any basic conservative principles,” the 66-year-old entrepreneur isn’t suggesting conservatives cast votes for Democrats.

“We must vote for conservative congressional candidates and we must fight the destructive RINOs by rejecting Romney,” he urges, adding, “Vote or write-in a true conservative, perhaps the Libertarian candidate.”

Regardless of the outcome of November’s election, Featherston believes a new conservative party must be created. RINOS killed the GOP, he says.

As for Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan as his running mate, Featherston says voters must realize this is “a total sham.” If Romney were a true conservative he would not have the support of Karl Rove and the GOP country club RINOs, Featherston contends. The notion that Ryan’s conservatism will make Romney more conservative is ludicrous, he insists. “Romney only pretends to be conservative in hopes of getting elected.” After the election, Featherston predicts Ryan will regret being Romney’s running mate,” realizing he was chosen just to provide conservative lip-service and to appease conservatives and the Tea Party. Although Featherston has donated to Republican candidates in the past and served multiple terms as a GOP PCO, he now leans toward the Libertarian party.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases Changes Its Name To

The popular U.S. election news website, 2012 Election News, has officially changed its name. Jillian Curtin, Editor-in-Chief of has announced that the website has changed its name and URL to, to provide an accurate reflection of its ongoing focus.

“The response has been overwhelming,” said Curtin. “What started out as a simple 2012 election discussion has turned into a national conversation about our personal rights, needs and dreams.”

The name change is effective immediately and the site’s new URL is What began as a forum for the U.S. presidential elections in August 2010 has evolved and taken on a life of its own. The site was originally created as a non-partisan informational venue for news about U.S. elections and candidates. The website also provided voters with a forum for the free exchange of ideas on issues of concern.

In less than a year, US Election News has grown from a hub for local, national and global election news to a go to website for information on the economy, the war on drugs, workers unions, employment, government spending, worker safety and natural disasters relateing to our government leaders. The site also addresses immigration, healthcare, terrorist activities, the emerging green energy industry, social issues and international relations as releated to United States and Presidentail elections.

The multi-media site features a wide range of audio, video and written content. The publication informs voters about topics of concern that affects them on a local and national level, along with issues in far reaching locations around the globe. US Election News disseminates information on a non-partisan basis from Republicans, Democrats, Independents and Tea Party members.

US Election News has its headquarters in Cartersville, Georgia. The publication is always seeking qualified journalists to provide news and information for a balanced view on local and global issues. The site recently launched its complimentary Facebook page that can be found at The Facebook site welcomes visitors and invites them to engage in lively civil discourse and debate on topics both foreign and domestic.

US Election News is dedicated to providing voters with a balanced view of the issues and actions taking place on a daily basis that affects all facets of life in a global community. The site welcomes visitor interaction and communication for a better understanding of government and world events that shape the history of the world each day.

US Election News can be contacted by phone at 202-379-2821 or by email via the convenient online form.

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

President’s Call For Jobs and Justice Fuels Rallies By National Black Farmers Association

The call for jobs and a renewed emphasis on civil rights in the State of the Union address will echo through upcoming rallies, according to Dr. John Boyd, president of the National Black Farmers Association.

President's Call For Jobs and Justice Fuels Rallies By National Black Farmers Association

In a series of regional events, black farmers will urge Congress and President Obama to act now on a promised $1.15 billion to remedy decades of discrimination.

“The nation’s treatment of black farmers is a blight. Empty promises only make matters worse,” said Dr. Boyd. “It is time for Congress to do the right thing and compensate discriminated black farmers for the government’s wrongs against them. It certainly has found the will to fund far less worthy and much more expensive causes. “

Beginning on February 6 in Little Rock, Arkansas, black farmers and supporters from some of the most depressed areas of the country will come together to insist on long promised and long delayed justice. It was back in 1999 that the government agreed to one of the largest civil rights settlements in our history, the Pigford case, due to discriminatory practices by the USDA.

In his State of the Union address, President Obama observed: “We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal, that no matter who you are or what you look like, if you abide by the law you should be protected by it; that if you adhere to our common values you should be treated no different than anyone else.”

On the other side of the aisle, Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia found it easy to agree on the subject of job creation.

“We were encouraged to hear President Obama speak this evening about the need to create jobs,” said McDonnell. “All Americans should have the opportunity to find and keep meaningful work, and the dignity that comes with it.”

But for black farmers, the ideals laid out by both President Obama and Governor McDonnell have been only a dream. Black farmers and supporters will rally throughout the Southeast culminating in a rally in front of the US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC to make heard the urging of thousands: keep your promise; justice now.

The rally schedule includes:

Saturday, February 6, 2010: Little Rock, Arkansas (The Downtown Hilton)
Monday, February, 8, 2010: Memphis, Tennessee (Handy Park)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010: Jackson, Missouri (Battlefield Park)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010: Montgomery, Alabama (in front of the Capital Building)
Thursday, February 11, 2010: Columbus, Georgia (The Columbus Civic Center)
Friday, February 12, 2010: Columbia, South Carolina (The Clarion Hotel)
Saturday, February 13, 2010: Richmond, Virginia (Downtown Hilton)
Monday, February 15, 2010: Washington, DC (US Department of Agriculture – Jefferson Drive side)

For more information, please contact Billy Warden (919) 412.0630 or visit

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

One of Them: A First Responder’s Story

One of the first responders who helped clear debris and search for bodies at the World Trade Center site is hoping President-elect Barack Obama doesn’t repeat the mistakes made by the Bush administration in handling the care of his fellow volunteers.

Steven Centore, a nuclear physicist and Navy veteran, was one of the many volunteers who assisted in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attack.

Unfortunately, as do many of the other rescue workers, Mr. Centore now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and other medically debilitating ailments that have kept him from working. These conditions have required endless surgeries and physical therapy to treat.

In his book, One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, Mr. Centore details the neglect and mistreatment he and his fellow volunteers have suffered at the hands of the government.

“The Bush administration really fumbled this issue,” says Mr. Centore, a lifelong Republican. “The attacks of that day are still having an effect on this country in the wars we fight overseas. But they’re also having an effect here at home.”

Mr. Centore spent months at the World Trade Center and says that exposure to the toxins in the air at the site have crippled or killed thousands of first responders. His book includes some shocking statistics about the health of first responders, including:

• 4,517 people with upper respiratory ailments
• 3,857 with lower respiratory illness
• 398 with lung disease
• 2,616 with asthma
• 1,340 with sleep apnea
• 2,528 with heart conditions caused or worsened by 9/11

“I was appalled at the lack of support and meager financial resources provided to 9/11 first responders by the US government,” says Mr. Centore, who has testified before Congress about the thousands of people just like him who were told that the air at the WTC site was not dangerous.

He adds, “I wanted to tell the story of how I became ill, what the government did and did not do for me, and what happened to me as a result. I’d like to shed some light on the cover-ups that the government has been perpetrating in the news.”

To learn more about how you can help, or to buy the breakout book One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, visit or The book is also available on, and

For more information about One of Them: A First Responder’s Story, contact Steve Centore directly at

WORLDWIDE ASSOCIATION OF DISABLED VETERANS, INC. and author Steven Centore chose Arbor Books, Inc. ( to design and promote One of Them: A First Responder’s Story. Arbor Books is an internationally renowned, full-service book design, ghostwriting and marketing firm.

(One of Them: A First Responder’s Story by Steven M. Centore; ISBN: 0-9801274-0-8; $16.95; 208 pages; 5½”x 8½”; softcover; Worldwide Association of Disabled Veterans, Inc.)

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

As John Mccain Continues His Run For The White House, A Former Capitol Hill Insider Is Making Public An Explosive Revelation…

As John McCain continues his run for the White House, a former Capitol Hill insider is making public an explosive revelation: John McCain is in league with a transnational, Israeli-backed criminal syndicate.

In Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War, Jeff Gates, former counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, chronicles the American government’s decades-long descent into corruption and treason, culminating in this year’s presidential election while the nation is waging a war for Greater Israel.

According to Mr. Gates, politicians backed by organized crime—McCain among them—have orchestrated the nation’s decline in the pursuit of a Zionist agenda. Ongoing offenses that can be attributed to McCain and his co-conspirators include:
• Supporting Russian oligarchs—the bulk of whom qualify for Israeli citizenship—who stole hundreds of billions of dollars from their own people.
• A hostile stance toward the Russian government, reigniting Cold War tensions.
• Meeting abroad with a Russian mafia boss banned from the U.S.
• Links between McCain’s political career and senior operatives of transnational organized crime spanning two decades.
• McCain’s complicity in his father’s cover-up of Israel’s murder of thirty-four Americans aboard the USS Liberty in 1967.

“The facts confirm that this war-hero politician was picked, prepped and promoted as only the latest in a series of corrupt presidential candidates,” says Mr. Gates, whose book is endorsed by Ambassador Edward L. Peck, Congressman Paul Findley and M.I.T. professor Noam Chomsky.

The first book in the upcoming Criminal State series, Guilt by Association chronicles how a trans-generational criminal syndicate affects American politics through agents and “assets” within the government itself—including lobbyists, members of Congress, Congressional staff and even presidential candidates. “This syndicate is to blame,” says Mr. Gates, “for offenses ranging from the war in Iraq to the current financial crisis.”

A widely acclaimed author, lawyer, investment banker, political advisor and consultant to government, corporate and union leaders worldwide, Jeff Gates is also a former counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance. His previous works include Democracy at Risk: Rescuing Main Street From Wall Street and The Ownership Solution: Toward a Shared Capitalism for the 21st Century. Endorsers for these books include CEOs, heads of state, legislators, commentators and Nobel laureates in peace and economics.

This book is available now. For more information, or to order Guilt by Association, go

(Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War by Jeff Gates; ISBN: 978-0-9821315-0-3; $27.95; 320 pages; 5 ½ x 8 ½ perfect bound softcover; State Street Publications).

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

Harry Balls Announces His United States Presidential Endorsement

Harry Balls, owner and founder of Harry Balls Media publishers of and other web sites announced his long awaited United States Presidential endorsement today.

While both men has run interesting campaigns and served their county admirably as United States Senators, Mr Balls believes Senator Obama offers the best chance for America to recover our place of leadership in the world.

“Senator Obama offers hope, leadership, energy and the integrity required to address the global problems pressing the United States today.

Our nation’s reputation has suffered at the hands of a dysfunctional son trying to prove himself better than his father. A son who warned us that if we didn’t settle the 2000 election we would slip into a recession. A son who used the fear of a mid east despot’s alleged possession of weapon’s of mass destruction to pull us into a world changing budget draining life losing conflict.

Senator McCain continues this path of fear. Fear that his opponent has too little experience, fear that his opponent’s policies are socialist, fear that his opponent befriended a terrorist from the sixties. Fear of hope. Weak leaders use fear. They themselves must be feared and stopped.“

Because of these reasons Mr. Balls enthusiastically encourages American voters and visitors to his downloadable game site called to vote for Barack Obama for President.

About Harry Balls Media
Harry Balls Media offers consumers reviews and downloads of games from independent and casual game developers. Harry Balls covers games in all popular categories: Puzzle Games, Action Games, Shooter Games, Arcade Games, Kids Games, Strategy Games, Time Management Games, Simulation Games, Arcade Games, family friendly games, hidden object games, platform games, racing games, and role-playing games. For more information visit

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

Political Analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson Tells What An Obama Presidency Means for America’s Racial and Social ills

Political Analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson Tells What An Obama Presidency Means for America’s Racial and Social ills

The previously thinkable is possible and that is that Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama could wrest the Democratic presidential nomination and even beyond that the White House. His Iowa showing is proof, says political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson, that he can appeal to a wide segment of centrist white voters. An Obama presidency would be a racial step forward in the sense that it shows that millions of Americans can look past race to make a black, especially an exceptional black, their leader.

Unfortunately, it will not show that millions of Americans are yet willing” says Hutchinson, to do the same for the millions of blacks that cram America’s jails and prisons, suffer housing and job discrimination, are trapped in failing public schools in America’s poor, crime ridden inner cities.

Hutchinson will assess:

*Why Obama’s Iowa showing is a historic first
*What’s next for Obama
*Whether black voters will fully embrace Obama
*Whether he can appeal to wide segments of mid-American voters
*Whether an Obama presidency is an antidote for America’s racial and social ills

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His forthcoming book is The Ethnic Presidency: How Race Decides the Race to the White House (Middle Passage Press, February, 2007).

You could visit his blog at the following web address:

Via EPR Network
More Government press releases

Welcome to EPR Government News

EPR Government News is a new blog, part of EPR Network, that is going to be focused on and will be covering the Government news and stories from press releases published on EPR Network.

EPR Network (EPR stands for express press release) is one of the nation’s largest press release distribution networks on Web. The EPR’s nationwide network includes 12 State based PR sites, one major PR forum and a number of industry specific PR blogs and what started as a hobby on Internet years ago turned out to be a rapidly growing business today. EPR Network is also known as one of the most trusted (human optimized, published, edited and monitored, spam/scam/low quality PR content free) PR sites on the web with more than 10,000 company and individual press releases distributed per month. EPR Network is putting your press releases on top of all major search engines’ results and is reaching thousands of individuals, companies, PR specialists, media professionals, bloggers and journalists every day.

EPR Network has thousands of clients around the world including global 500 corporations like Hilton Hotels, Barclays Bank, AXA Insurance, Tesco UK, eBay/Skype, Emirates, just to name a few. The network’s PR web sites are currently reaching from 150,000 to sometimes 500,000 unique visitors per month while our viral reach could possibly go to as much as 1M people per month through our presence across various social media sites. EPR Network was established in 2004 and as of May 2008 it had more than 800,000 press releases (pages) published on its network.

If you have a press release to be distributed, you can do it over here: press release distribution