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New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons Awards Contract to WeInterpret.Net

We Interpret.Net has signed a contract with the New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons. Their local office is located at 6100 Seagull St. NE Suite B105 (Seagull Office Plaza) in Albuquerque, NM. We Interpret.Net along with is partner company, We Interpret Linked, both headquartered in the state of Maryland has been providing Sign Language Interpreting services since 1996 primarily on the East Coast. This new contract affords the citizens of New Mexico with state wide quality interpreting service coordination, internship opportunities for new interpreters, education and outreach, and emergency hospital service coordination in Las Cruces.


WeInterpret.Net is also a sponsor for Continuing Education Credits through the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. In addition to the management staff, full time interpreters, both Deaf and Hearing, will be hired. Individuals who would like to sub contract to provide Interpreting services are encouraged to register at www.WeInterpret.Net.

Appropriate communication methods vary by individual and We Interpret.Net can provide interpreters skilled in American Sign Language, Signed English, The Rochester Method, Cued Speech, Oral Interpretation and Tactile Methods for the Deaf/Blind individuals. In specific areas of New Mexico interpreters are in short supply. In addition to the on-site interpreters who will be directed from this office, there is a call center in Owings Mills, Maryland to provide Video Interpreting in the rural parts of the state. “Office staff who are also certified interpreters, along with our Video Interpreting solution allow the agency to respond to every request with qualified interpreters even on the busiest of days or during the overnight and weekend hours.” Stated Deb McKerrow, Director of New Mexico opperations.

About WeInterpret.Net
Maryland Interpreting Services, a Maryland corporation doing business as We Interpret.Net (www.WeInterpret.Net) and We Interpret Linked (www.WeInterpretLinked.com) was established in 1996. Owner and President, David Stephenson is a nationally certified interpreter. Since its establishment, it has provided some 6 million hours of interpreting services to some 900 customers through offices in Utah, Virginia, Maryland and New Mexico. Staff Interpreters and Independent Sub-Contractors numbering over 1000 provide on-site and Video Remote Interpreting.

About New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons
The State of New Mexico, Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons provides effective leadership, education, advocacy and programs to reduce barriers to the social, economic, educational, cultural and intellectual well – being of Deaf and Hard of Hearing New Mexicans and their families, friends and colleagues. (www.cdhh.state.nm.us).

Via EPR Network
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Leading AML Service Integrates Full Electoral Register

The full 2009 Electoral Register has now been integrated into the Tracesmart anti-money laundering (AML) identity check service. The inclusion of the full 2009 Electoral Register, one of the many positive datasets the system interrogates, will ensure as many legitimate individuals as possible are cleared by the ID check at the first instance.

Tracesmart Corporate‘s AML service allows users to perform identity checks that help them to fulfil their AML ‘Know Your Customer‘ obligations, and it meets the standards set for electronic verification prescribed by the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG).

The UK Electoral Register has two formats – the edited Electoral Register which is available for any commercial use, but does not contain the entire UK electorate as individuals are able to ‘opt out’; and the full Electoral Register which can only be used by companies for credit referencing and anti-money laundering purposes, but contains the entire UK electorate.

Utilising the full 2009 Electoral Register will enhance the pass rate of legitimate individuals at the initial check stage. Historically, the system utilised edited Electoral Register data as part of the identity check, which whilst highly accurate, could marginally affect the initial check pass rate, due to the opt-out clause; this meant further checks – such as document verification – would have to be conducted. Chris Rothwell, Sales Director at Tracesmart, highlighted how the addition of the full Electoral Register will make for quicker identity checks.

“The integration of the full 2009 Electoral Register into our AML system, means that our service users can now swiftly and efficiently identify more of their clients without requesting additional documentation. However, the ability to verify identity documents such as passports, driving licences, credit or debit cards and utility bills, has been preserved in case further checks are required. The system ensures that identity checks are conducted in a business friendly manner, whilst also meeting anti-money laundering obligations.” 

This latest update to the AML service follows on f r o m the recent introduction of a ‘single click’ search interface. Previously, users had to build the identity profile of an individual by searching d a t a s e t s and verifying details through a multi-tabbed interface. Whilst many Tracesmart clients found this interface conducive to their business needs, customer feedback indentified the need for a ‘single click’ check. Mike Trezise, Managing Director at Tracesmart, believes this customer-centric approach to service development is one of the company’s strongest points. 

“We have always believed it to be truly important that there is a constant dialogue between ourselves and our clients, especially concerning the services themselves. After all, it’s our clients that use the systems day in, day out, so it essential that their needs are fulfilled. As such, Tracesmart will continue to listen to its customers, front-line staff and market research, to develop its services accordingly.”


Access to the full Electoral Register data, via Tracesmart’s AML service, is only available to companies who meet strict data protection pre-requisites.

About Tracesmart

  • Tracesmart Limited was formed in 1999 and supplies a diverse range of consumer data cleansing, identity check and tracing tools to a wide variety of industries. Their client base ranges f r o m SME to Blue Chip, who are all recipients of bespoke solutions, built around their specific needs.
  • Chris Rothwell, Tracesmart’s Sales Director, previously worked in both the financial markets and tracing industry. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Chris is well placed to head up the corporate sales team.
  • Mike Trezise is the founder and Managing Director of Tracesmart. With over 25 years tracing and fraud analysis experience, his unrivalled knowledge provides the company with a distinct competitive advantage.

Venting the Roof, the daily podcast from Firefighter Hourly, discusses fire issues 365 days a year for firefighters

Podcasts offer a way to bring firefighters news. Venting the Roof, the podcast for the acclaimed blog, Firefighter hourly, provides DAILY 30 minute podcasts on issues around the fire service.

Venting the Roof discusses firefighter training, fires, FDNY, Chicago, Charleston, chief officers, apparel, and safety and survival. It’s also the link between the media and the fire service.

Take the opportunity to visit Firefighter Hourly and listen to Venting the Roof-a podcast for firefighters, firefighting, and the fire service.

Via EPR Network
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